About Us

Wilburton is the county seat of Latimer County. It is located at the intersection of Highways 2 and 270 in Southeast Oklahoma.


Wilburton is approximately 160 miles from downtown Oklahoma City, 120 miles from downtown Tulsa, and 200 miles from Dallas. Ft. Smith, Arkansas is about 75 miles to the east and we are about midway between McAlester and Poteau and just about 35 miles from Talihina and the Talimina National Scenic By-way.

This makes Wilburton or Robbers Cave State Park (just 5 miles to the north) an ideal hub for your visit to southeast Oklahoma.

There are lakes, streams, and mountains all around us making available some of the best hunting, fishing, waterskiing and sightseeing in the state.

If we can help you to plan your next visit to our area please contact us at: 918-465-2759





Wilburton Area Chamber of Commerce
302 W. Main Street
Wilburton, Oklahoma 74578
Phone or Fax: 918-465-2759
or e-mail us : wilburtonchamber@sbcglobal.net